Date: February 22, 2017 | Author: admin

3 Reasons You Are Not Doing Weighted Carries (You Should Be Doing Them)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The other day in my Women Who Lift Weights Community Group someone  posted that they train at a commercial gym and felt awkward doing heavy weighted carries.

You SHOULD be doing heavy weighted carries in your training.


Most women don’t do weighted carries for a few reason.

1. They think they look funny in most commercial gyms (who f*cking cares, it’s no more funny than people walking on treadmills).

2. They think it’s too simple.  Can grabbing a weight and going for a walk really do that much?  Yes it can!

3. They are afraid of what others might think (again this does not matter).  Never worry about others think when it comes to your training.  Focus on your training and results.  Never worry about what anyone else thinks or who may be watching.


READ  Tip : Finish Your Workouts With A Weighted Carry


One of most basic but effective exercises are Farmers Walks. They may be simple but they are not easy. There is a big difference between simple and easy. Farmers Walks can be used in pretty much any strength training program to improve overall strength, grip strength and mental toughness. Here are 11 Tips For Better Farmers Walks 1. Learn To Keep Tight 2. Breath Through a Straw, Don’t Let The Ribs Flare 3. Grip Hard & Use Chalk If You Can 4. If you are going really heavy use a belt. 5. Try To Keep The Chest High & Avoid Rounding The Shoulders 6. Keep Your Eyes Looking On The Horizon or Straight Ahead 7. Try Not to Shrug The Weight 8. Stay Mentally Focused 9. Small Steps 10. Keep Your Core Tight 11. Don’t Let Go

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Michelle & Heather with some Strong Farmers Walks today. Heavy carries do the body good!

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READ  3 Reasons Women Should Do Heavy Carries


Weighted carries are the simple and most effective way to improve grip strength. improve overall full body strength and build mental strength.

5-15 minutes of weighted carries a day do the body good.

Grab some heavy weight.  Go for a walk.

Forget what anyone thinks.  Do what you need to do to get results in your training

You will get gains, and in the end that is what matters.

Read this article on 3 Reasons Why You Shoulder Do Weighted Carries.

Do a carry a day, I promise you will be glad you did.

Coach Rob
