Tip : Finish Your Workouts With A Weighted Carry
Finish every workout with a weighted carry variation.
Adding a weighted carry variation every day has numerous benefits for strength, posture, improving grip, mental toughness, fat loss and reducing injuries and more.
Bottom line is that weighted carries do the body (and mind) good. We are built to pick up things and carry them.
Weighted carries are something you can add in to your traning to help overall strength and improve injuries and help reduce chances of getting injured.
As well a lot of women complain of a weak grip and this is a simple fix for a weak grip.
It’s very simple, at the end of every workout you will pick one weighted carry variation and use this as a finisher for your workout.
Here are some variations you can use :
– Farmers Walk
– Double Dumbell Carry
– Double Kettlebell Carry
– Single Arm Dumbell Carry (DB Suitcase Carry)
– Single Arm Kettlebell Carry (KB Suitcase Carry)
– Double Kettlebell Rack Carry
– Single Arm Overhead KB Carry
– Overhead Bar Carry
– Plate Pinch Carry
The variation of carries and carry challenges are endless.
Pick a carry a day and finish your workout with a weighted carry every day.
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Coach Rob

Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.