Tip – Track Your Volume Of Weights Lifted During Your Workouts
Tip – Track Your Volume Of Weights Lifted During Your Workouts
When it comes to lifting weights it’s important that you know an track your numbers.
Today in my Strength Camp class we focused on total workout volume.
Volume is one of the most important metrics when it comes to lifting weights.
Don’t count your warm ups in your volume, only count your working sets.
Here is a simple breakdown of volume in a workout.
Let’s say you are doing squats.
You squat 135 pounds for 5 sets of 10 reps you will get the following.
50 Reps x 135 lbs = 6,750 Pounds of Total Volume
You squat 135 pounds for 10 sets of 10 reps you will get the following.
100 Reps x 135 lbs = 13,500 Pounds Total Volume
Lets look at deadlifts.
Lets say you do 5 sets of 5 reps at 185 lbs.
Your total volume on deadlifts will be 25 reps x 185 lbs ==> 4,625 Pounds Of Volume.
The higher your intensity goes up (closer to your 1 rep max) the less volume you will have.
On your next workout track your volume an post it below.
It would be like this when you write/track it.
Deadlifts 225 lbs for 5 sets of 5 reps ==> Total Volume 4,625 Pounds.
Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.