Tip : The Kettelbell Swing Is Not A Squat
Tip : The Kettelbell Swing Is Not A Squat
Let’s be very clear, a swing is NOT a squat.
There is a kettlebell version of the swing called a “Swing Squat” but this is not what we are trying to accomplish in this exercise.
As you can see in this video this is me trying to swing before I was taught the swing.
I have to say I am beyond embarrassed of the above video of what I thought was a swing :).
This is me after attending SFG in Utah and learning to HINGE and use my hips the right way.

Be sure to learn the proper hip hinge and practice your swing. I
Its a great exercise when done correctly, just remember the swing is not a squat.
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Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.