Tip : For a Stronger Bench Press Focus On Squeezing Your Pinky Fingers
Tip : For a Stronger Bench Press Focus On Squeezing Your Pinky Fingers
A lot of women struggle with bench press. The bench press is a very technical lift. In order to improve it you need to rely on technique, practice and time.
Here is a simple and effective tip that you can do to improve your bench press. The next time you bench I want you to focus on squeezing the bar as hard as you can with your pinky fingers.
This will increase Triicep recruit and It will also engage the lats more. As well once you squeeze the bar hard it will create tension through the hand, forearm, upper arm and upper back.
Be sure to squeeze the bar as hard as you can and also squeeze hard with the pinky fingers.
Give it a try and let me know if it helps you.
Stay strong.
Coach Rob

Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.