Tip: When You Should Take BCAA’s?
When You Should Take BCAA’s?
I get asked a lot of questions in our Women Who Lift Weights Community Group about Supplements and one of the ones I highly recommend is BCAA’s.
I love BCAA’s and I think they are one of the best supplements you can use.
On our Women Who Lift Weights Page I was asked “When is the best time to take BCAA’s”?
There are many times you can take BCAA’s and I don’t think there is one best way to use them but here are a few recommendations.
=> Take BCAA’s during your weight training workout
=> Take BCAA’s before and after you workout
=> Take BCAA’s any time during the day
For me personally I take them during my workouts and after my workout I have a protein shake mixed with berries and a banana. If I had a really hard intense workout I may add 1-2 more scoops of BCAA’s to this shake.
As well if I am sore and fatigued I take 1-2 scoops in the morning as well to help with my recovery.
Coach Rob
Coach Rob’s BCAA Recommendations:
If you enjoyed this blog post and want to know the best supplements you should use download our Top 5 Supplements For Women Report.

Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.