Learn To Say “No Thanks”
“I was starving”
I hear these things from people all the time when they “Cheat On Their Diet”.
I hate the thoughts of associating guilt with food and the word “diet” with nutrition.
Fat loss is by far the biggest struggle for a very large portion of people.
I have coached our 21 Day Kick Start Program, Ripped in 42, and now HW 90.
Today I had a few of our female clients who are struggling with fat loss say the above things about why they deviated from their meal plan.
“Would you like fries with that?”
No thanks.
Learning to say “no thanks” is one of the simplest and most empowering things you can do.
At first it may be somewhat difficult, but like building strength in the gym your “mental strength” will improve with practice.
Remember you don’t need to explain WHY you are saying no thanks.
Most people want to say things like “it’s because I am on a diet” or “I am following a program, I am not allowed”.
As soon as you say that you are not allowed more than likely you will want to even more.Simple learn to say “No Thanks” and it will help you make better decisions and improve your habits.
We are our habits.
We become our decisions.
Chose wisely and remember to say “No Thanks” to things that are not making you healthier and happier.
Coach Rob
Coach Rob is the creator and owner of Women Who Lift Weights and Heavy Weights Training Center.
He is a Coach, Writer and Competitive Power Lifter.