Box Squat vs. Paused Squat (Video)
What is the difference between a Paused Squat and a Box Squat?
One of the members of our Women Who Lift Weights Community asked me a question about the difference between Paused Squats and a Box Squat.
Watch this video where I explain the differences.
3 Key Points About Pause Squats
- Great for working core tension/bracing at the bottom of a squat
- Improve confidence in the bottom of a squat
- Improve pushing through a sticking point of a squat
3 Key Points About Box Squats
- Great for working the hips
- Teaches proper mechanics of sitting back in a squat
- Great tool for finding your depth when squatting.
Both of these squat variations are great depending on your training goals.
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Stay Strong.
Coach Rob
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Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.