5 Squat Tips For Tall Lifters
Tonight in my strength class two of the women that I coach did awesome with their squats. They are both tall lifters and have had to work hard to improve their squats.
A lot of tall women struggle with squats and bench press, but usually do well with deadlifts. Because of the long levers a lot of women have difficulty squatting and hitting depth in a squat.
I thought I would share a few simple squat tips for taller lifters.
– Elevate your heels (this will improve squat depth for most people)
– Allow your upper body to lean forward (this is important for most tall lifters)
– Let the knees come forward (it’s ok for the knees to come to the toes or even past the toes depending on leverage and mobility and other factors)
– When you think you are at depth go a little deeper (sometimes you think you are deep but you are not, so it never hurts to go a little deeper)
– Be patient. Squatting (and all lifting) is about technique and practice. Don’t rush your lifting, be patient and practice
Give these tips a try and I hope they help your training.
Coach Rob
Want to get a copy of our 6 Week Squat Program For Women?
Find out how to get your copy HERE.

Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.