Date: February 11, 2017 | Author: Coach Rob

5 Stability Ball Ab/Core Exercises

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I hate crunches and sit ups for training core/abs. 

They can be some of the worst exercise for your core and if anything will also more than likely do damage to your lower back.

Bottom line, ditch sit ups and crunches and stop chasing the “burn”.

Some better options for training the core are planks, side planks, weighted carries,  ab wheel, paloff holds and using the stability ball.

The stability is a great tool for training the core/abs. 


Here Are 5 Intense Stability Ball Core Exercises 


#1 Stability Ball Knee Ups


Swiss Ball Knee Ups

A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on

READ  Stir The Pot - Try This Killer Core Exercise For Women


#2  Stability Ball Roll Outs


Swiss Ball Roll Outs

A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on

READ  3 Tips For Better Planks For Women (Video)


#3  Pike Ups


Swiss Ball Pike Up The swiss ball is a great training tool. Blog post coming soon with more swiss ball core exercises.

A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on

READ  Tip : Finish Your Workouts With A Weighted Carry


#4 Stir The Pot


Swiss Ball Stir The Pot

A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on

READ  5 Tips For The Ab Wheel Rollouts (aka The Evil Wheel)


#5 Plank With Partner Agitation


Swiss Ball Plank + Agitation

A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on


If you have trouble sneezing or brushing your hair tomorrow it’s from these exercises :).

Give these exercises a try. 

If you found this blog post helpful please comment, like and share.

Coach Rob

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Click HERE for more info.

