Tip: On Deadlifts Push The Ground Away (Video)
One of the simplest ways to improve your deadlift and reduce your chance of injury is to push the ground away.
Don’t think about picking up the weight off the ground. Think about getting tight and create full body tension and learn to push the floor away from you.
When a lot of women step up to a bar a common tendency is to want to pick up the weight. By doing this you usually end up pulling through your lower back. This is a big reason why so many women get hurt deadllifting. They think about picking up the weight off the floor.
A better way to think and lift is to take your time, don’t rush, get everything tight and learn to push the ground away from you.
Never pick up the weight, try pushing the ground away.
Watch this video where I explain it in more detail.
This simple change of mindset and technique can improve your deadlift strength and also keep your lower back strong and safe.
Give it a try and let me know how you find it.
Coach Rob

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Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.