Make Sure You Do This One Simple Thing Every Time You Bench Press
I love the bench press and I love coaching and teaching the bench press to women.
After coaching thousands of women I have seen common patterns that occur.
One of them happens a lot on bench pressing so be sure that you don’t make this mistake.
When you bench press make sure the bar touches your chest every single rep.
A lot of women have a tendency to pull short of touching the chest. Often this happens as they get tired or are afraid that they can’t get the rep so they pull short of touching the chest.
Don’t develop this bad habit.
Always on every rep touch your chest when doing a bench press.
There are only a few times that I reccomend that you don’t touch the chest when bench pressing.
- If you have pain have pain or discomfort touching your chest (If you have this read THIS blog post)
- Doing things like board press, block press or spoto where you limit the range of motion.
Make sure to touch your chest on every single rep on bench press.
Practice perfect and make every rep the same.
I hope you found this helpful if so please comment, like and share.
Coach Rob

Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.