Try These 5 Hip Thrust Variations
When it comes to hitting the glutes and building a booty one of the best exercises you can do is to Hip Thrust and hip thrust variations.
I love squats, deadlifts, RDL’s and more for hitting the legs and glutes, but don’t neglect your hip thriust and hip thrust variations.
Give these 5 hip thrust variations a try.
1. Standard Hip Thruster
2. Feel Elevated Hip Thruster
3. Hip Thruster Band On Knees
4. Hip Thruster Plate Between Knees
4. Hip Thruster with plate between knees A video posted by Rob King (@robkingfitness_hw) on
5. Bar & Band Hip Thruster (Advanced)
For more hip thrust variations check out THIS Blog post by me on The Glute Guy’s Blog.
When it comes to getting stronger, lifting heavy weight, and building a strong set of glutes one of the best exercises are the Hip Thrust. Give these variations a try and let me know how you find them.
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Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer.