Do Your Forearms Hurt When You Do TRX Rows?
I love the TRX suspension system and I use this often in my own training, at my gym with my clients and as well with my online clients.
The variations are limitless and it’s one of the best tools available.
A common mistake I see with women when they do TRX rows is that their forearms get tight and give out. When doing a standard TRX row the focus should be on the upper back, lats, biceps and then forearms.
If you do this incorrectly the forearms will always get tight and you arms will become a little T-Rex :).
Most times when doing a row a lot of women will do a forearm curl at the same time. By curling your palms towards you the forearm does a lot of work and will start to fatigue.
2. Don’t Grip So Tight & Try To Have A Neutral Wrist Position

Watch this video where I show the correct way to do a TRX row.
Give it a try and I hope this video helps you.
Coach Rob

Coach Rob is the creator and owner of Women Who Lift Weights and Heavy Weights Training Center.
He is a Coach, Writer and Competitive Power Lifter.