Reading Time: 4 minutes Rhaea before we begin I want to say congrats on your amazing accomplishments in 2019.Can you briefly summarize your year…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Stiff ankles can be a pain when it comes to squatting. Many people think that they need to improve…
Reading Time: 3 minutes It is with great pleasure that I get the chance to share my interview with IPF Open World Champion Maria…
Reading Time: < 1 minute By Coach Rob If you want a stronger sumo this little tip can make a big difference Push the knees…
Reading Time: < 1 minute By Coach Shane Martin I wrote a lecture a few years ago on the psychology of the referee and what…
Reading Time: < 1 minute From Coach Shane Martin If you want to be a great lifter and/or Coach it’s important to listen and learn…
Reading Time: 3 minutes By: Nick Benerakis Aka “Coach Ben” The set up for the bench press is the most critical part of the…
Reading Time: 9 minutes By Coach Dan John I’ve been in the weightroom since 1965 when my brothers bought a barbell set and I…
Reading Time: 8 minutes By Mark Reifkind Master Instructor StrongFirst Owner I have a lot of experience training female athletes. I started as…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Jennifer please tell us a bit about you. Your background, how you got started with lifting weights and PowerLifting. I…